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Faculty Research Funding Program 2025

Call for Applications 

The Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF), with the support of PMI Science R&D Center Armenia, is excited to announce the Faculty Research Funding Program 2025. This initiative is designed to foster innovative research that addresses the industry’s current challenges, bridging the gap between academic research and industry needs.

The program aims to provide financial and systemic support to applied research projects conducted by teams from leading universities, research institutes, innovative start-ups, and forward-thinking companies.

ARC Automotive Lab Manager



We are looking for a Manager for the Automotive Lab within the “Advanced Research Center” (ARC) project.


Interested candidates should submit their CVs, a cover letter detailing their relevant experience to [email protected] by January 15, 2025 (including). 

Faculty Research Funding Program 2021




Faculty Research Funding Program 2021


Research teams from universities and research institutes of the Republic of Armenia are invited to submit their proposals for the Faculty Research Funding Program implemented by Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF) with support of PMI Science. The main goal of the Program is to provide funding and systemic support to various research teams in the scientific directions mentioned below. Since 2018, 45 research teams from 19 research institutes and universities have already been able to benefit from the program and demonstrate immense progress in their research.



Research teams can apply to the Faculty Research Funding Program 2021 if their research and scientific project is related to the following areas։

  • Materials science, sustainable materials, materials with magnetic properties
  • Alternative non-electronic energy sources
  • Heating and heat transfer technologies
  • Neuroscience, sensorial experience, sensing technologies
  • Aerosol science and technology
  • Botany, toxicology
  • Applied and experimental physics
  • Engineering, industrial and systems engineering, electronic engineering, prototyping
  • Mathematics, mathematical modeling, data science
  • Analytical chemistry



The applicants must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Be a research team (2-5 members) representing a research institute or a university.  Priority will be given to the teams, which engage young researchers. Minimum 1 student in a team.
  • Propose a research project in the priority directions.

The shortlisted teams will be invited to an interview to present their proposals. Unfortunately, because of the big number of applications, no feedback related to the quality of the proposal will be given to the candidates, which are not selected for the program.



In the frame of the program up to 10 selected research teams will receive a funding of around 7.4 mln AMD (including all taxes and other mandatory payments) for their research projects.

Additionally, teams will get an opportunity to participate in the exclusive community activities, as well as closely work with mentors and experts in the field.


How to apply?

Interested research teams should fill in the Online Application Form and attach the following documents:

  • CVs of all team members
  • Proof of support and availability of research equipment by the institution(s)
  • Research project proposal according to the structure outlined in Annex 1 .

All documents in the application package should be submitted in English.


The deadline for submitting the applications is October 31, 2020, 23:59 (Yerevan time).


Note: Please be informed that in order to fill in the Application form you need to have a Google account.


Please make sure you have read the Privacy Notice before applying.




In case of additional questions:

Contact person: Arthur Pokrikyan

Tel.: +374 11 219797; e-mail: [email protected]

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