Current News

Faculty Research Funding Program 2025

Call for Applications 

The Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF), with the support of PMI Science R&D Center Armenia, is excited to announce the Faculty Research Funding Program 2025. This initiative is designed to foster innovative research that addresses the industry’s current challenges, bridging the gap between academic research and industry needs.

The program aims to provide financial and systemic support to applied research projects conducted by teams from leading universities, research institutes, innovative start-ups, and forward-thinking companies.

ARC Automotive Lab Manager



We are looking for a Manager for the Automotive Lab within the “Advanced Research Center” (ARC) project.


Interested candidates should submit their CVs, a cover letter detailing their relevant experience to [email protected] by January 15, 2025 (including). 

EC Accelerator: public awareness meeting





Dear citizens, we would like to inform you that within the framework of “Trade Promotion and Quality Infrastructure” (TPQI) “Engineering City accelerator building construction” Project implementation, on 28.09.2023, at 11:00 at the Enterprise Incubator Foundation office (21/1 Bagrevand str., Yerevan), it is planned to hold a public awareness meeting about the commencement of the Project, planned environmental and social mitigation measures, and other details.

Detailed description of the works can be found in Contractors Environment and Social Management Plan.


In case of questions, please contract:

TPQI Project Management Unit, Phone number 010515580.

“Enterprise Incubator” Foundation, Phone number 011219797.


Representative of the Employer Enterprise Incubator Foundation – Tatevik Khalapyan

Phone number:  +374 93 51 55 80

E-mail: [email protected]


Representative of the Contractor Tunnel Sadd Ariana - Mikael Tevosyan

Phone number: +374 55 40 61 80

E-mail: [email protected]

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