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We're excited to launch the 2nd Global call for the Science Incubation Program 2024, implemented by the Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF) with support of the PMI Science R&D Center Armenia. The program aims to support research groups, companies, and institutions worldwide in developing disruptive ideas and highly applied research. It fosters collaborations between industry and academia, facilitating the commercialization of science and research output valorization.

In-House Artists - Black Box Hub


Calling Armenia-based visionary artists! Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF) is looking for talented in-house artists for its Black Box Hub initiative implemented by Gyumri Technology Center (GTC) and powered by Artbox, Funded by the European Union in Armenia in the framework of the Katapult Creative Accelerator Program. This unique opportunity aims to bring aboard creative minds who will play a key role in shaping our special community.

Vozni 2015 annual computer competition launched


 Vozni 2015 annual computer competition launched

On May 15, "Vozni 2015" annual computer competition launched in Armenian-Indian Center of Excellence in ICT. Competition will last two days, on May 15 from 9.00 to 18.00 and May 16 from 11.00 to 18.00.The aim of the competition is to reveal students՚ computer skills, to give them opportunity to express their creative ideas by computer programs and to check their capabilities. 

Author-organizers of the "Vozni 2015" computer competition are Ruzan Nikoyan (N 65 high school) and Marianna Tovmasyan (N 161 primary school and N 65 high school). The main supporter is Enterprise Incubator Foundation jointly with Armenian-Indian Center of Excellence in ICT.

This year, 328 students from Yerevan (28 schools) and regions (53 schools) in grades from 6th to 9th are participating in the competition. By the drawing of lots the participants will choose the topics of their work and in determined time will present them. In the end of the month the winners will be announced, who will receive awards and prizes.

First time the "Vozni" computer competition was held in 2009 between the students from two schools: school N65 after Leo and school N161 after Nzhdeh. Next year 4 new schools joined the competition; in 2011 the participating schools were 12 and the number of participants 87. In 2013 the competition gained national character, having unprecedented number of participants, around 250 participants from Artashat, Ararat, Gexarquniq and Kotayq regions. "Vozni 2014" hosted around 834 participants, this year the number of applicants reached to 1000, 328 of which were passed to the final.

"Armenian-Indian Center of Excellence in ICT supports the competition for the second time, stimulating students’ interest in technology development and enhancing their knowledge on computer science", said Emilia Harutyunyan, Project Manager in Armenian-Indian Center of Excellence in ICT.

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