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We're excited to launch the 2nd Global call for the Science Incubation Program 2024, implemented by the Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF) with support of the PMI Science R&D Center Armenia. The program aims to support research groups, companies, and institutions worldwide in developing disruptive ideas and highly applied research. It fosters collaborations between industry and academia, facilitating the commercialization of science and research output valorization.

In-House Artists - Black Box Hub


Calling Armenia-based visionary artists! Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF) is looking for talented in-house artists for its Black Box Hub initiative implemented by Gyumri Technology Center (GTC) and powered by Artbox, Funded by the European Union in Armenia in the framework of the Katapult Creative Accelerator Program. This unique opportunity aims to bring aboard creative minds who will play a key role in shaping our special community.

The winners of Capture the flag cybersecurity contest have been announced


The winners of Capture the flag cybersecurity contest have been announced

Capture the Flag cybersecurity intellectual contest was held in Armenia for the first time with the efforts of Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF), 1guard Security and Microsoft RA. The aim of the initiative was to increase the interest towards cybersecurity in Armenia, to unite the professionals in the field, and to create a respective community.


120 individuals had submitted applications, from whom 28 teams were formed during the contest. During the contest the participants were required to break the servers, services, websites and programs provided to them and to collect points accordingly.

3 teams won the competition. The team HamBalls took first place with 11400 points. The team representing RA Ministry of Defense was second with 11200 points and vir00s was third with 9150 points. The points earned by each team can be found by following this link: .

The winning teams received prizes related to computer security and contributing to their further personal development.

The contest is planned to be continuous and to be held 2-3 times a year. The contest was supported by Monitis, Metronome and Innovative Solutions and Technologies Center (ISTC).

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