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Faculty Research Funding Program 2025

Call for Applications 

The Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF), with the support of PMI Science R&D Center Armenia, is excited to announce the Faculty Research Funding Program 2025. This initiative is designed to foster innovative research that addresses the industry’s current challenges, bridging the gap between academic research and industry needs.

The program aims to provide financial and systemic support to applied research projects conducted by teams from leading universities, research institutes, innovative start-ups, and forward-thinking companies.

ARC Automotive Lab Manager



We are looking for a Manager for the Automotive Lab within the “Advanced Research Center” (ARC) project.


Interested candidates should submit their CVs, a cover letter detailing their relevant experience to [email protected] by January 15, 2025 (including). 


EIF, in partnership with the World Bank, the Government and Finland and Nokia, is implementing the Regional Mobile Application Laboratory for Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, and Central Asia – a one of a kind project that provides major opportunities for mobile application industry development in Armenia and the region, and its increased competitiveness in global markets. 

EIF was selected as the host of this project through a competitive tendering process of a pool of over 15 applicants from different states. The first ever Regional Mobile Application Laboratory is a place where local and regional companies, technologists and experts collaborate to develop locally relevant applications that meet user demands.

The mLab ECA is funded by infoDev, a donor-funded program in the World Bank’s Financial and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency, as part of the Government of Finland and Nokia joint program on Creating Sustainable Businesses in the Knowledge Economy.

The mLab is the focal point to increase the competitiveness of innovative enterprises working in mobile content and applications of the region. It serves as a platform for developing the technical and business skills, personal contacts and relationships needed to build scalable mobile solutions into flourishing businesses. 

The mLab provides a wide range of innovation support services, including organization of trainings, business mentoring, idea generation, and matching grants. Its management and experts team work with mobile application developers in the region to assist them in product development and promotion, connecting them with potential investors, academic experts, and public sector leaders. New mobile application testing environment will soon be setup as well.

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