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Faculty Research Funding Program 2025

Call for Applications 

The Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF), with the support of PMI Science R&D Center Armenia, is excited to announce the Faculty Research Funding Program 2025. This initiative is designed to foster innovative research that addresses the industry’s current challenges, bridging the gap between academic research and industry needs.

The program aims to provide financial and systemic support to applied research projects conducted by teams from leading universities, research institutes, innovative start-ups, and forward-thinking companies.

ARC Automotive Lab Manager



We are looking for a Manager for the Automotive Lab within the “Advanced Research Center” (ARC) project.


Interested candidates should submit their CVs, a cover letter detailing their relevant experience to [email protected] by January 15, 2025 (including). 


Information technologies development support council was established by the decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia to support the development of information technologies in Armenia. The council is an advisory body and its activities are governed by the laws of the Republic of Armenia, other legal acts and with its current charter.

The main goals of the council are to support:

  • Armenia's integration in the global economy, intellectual production 
  • Formation of IT strong and stable sector ensuring economic progress and prosperity growth
  • Formation of highly developed information society in the Republic of Armenia

The objectives of the council are to promote:

  • Investment of information technologies in all the spheres
  • Formation of favorable legislative environment, for stable and favorable activities 
  • Promotion of information technologies
  • Development of the information technologies of the Republic of Armenia aimed at the conversion of science, education and industry into a more competitive sphere in global market and favorable for investments. 
  • Promotion of business and innovation
  • Training of the specialists of IT sector to increase their labor efficiency 

The Council:

  • Supports the industry investments and contributes to the elimination of administrative barriers impeding business 
  • Supports solving of questions and problems raised by businessmen
  • Forms working groups for the implementation of the council decisions and ensures current activities of the council
  • Discusses and approves the results of the working group’s activities
  • Makes recommendations in a defined way to the Government of the Republic of Armenia through the relevant state governing bodies about the legislation related to the IT sector
  • The council, accordant with its decisions, is authorized to make recommendations for relevant discussions to the state governing bodies of the Republic of Armenia 
  • Supports the Government of the Republic of Armenia in development of IT policy implementation 
  • Acts as an intermediate link between state bodies and businessmen.

The council organizes its activities by the meetings, which take place at least once every four months.

“Enterprise Incubator Foundation” is the secretariat of the Council.  

The Secretariat of the Council:

  • Prepares and provides relevant documents related to the agenda of the council meeting to the members
  • Ensures the implementation of the council decisions
  • Submits to the council recommendations related to the issues impeding the development of information technologies in the Republic of Armenia
  • Provides public information related to the council activity and results
  • Provides information related to state project activities, current and future activities as wellf) Organizes meetings between businessmen and officials
  • Prepares protocols of the council meetings and prepares draft decisions on basis 
  • The decisions and minutes of the council meetings get sent to the relevant ministries, agencies and interested organizations 

The Council has 5 working groups (WGs):

  • “Strategic Policy” WG
  • “Innovation Infrastructure and Regional Developments” WG 
  • “Attracting Investments and Multinational Corporations” WG 
  • “Education, Scientific Research and Culture” WG 
  • “Business Development and Financial” WG 

The main issues of the working groups are: 

  • To coordinate the process of raising current issues, discussion, preparation and submission of proposals of the IT sector of the Republic of Armenia.
  • To propose recommendations to the Council for the development of ICT, related necessary steps and programs by proposals, documents and conceptual approaches, programs and other formats.
  • To support the working groups tasked with the implementation of the Council decisions
  • Provide ongoing activities of the Council between meetings
  • To carry out its activities in accordance with the annual work program, which is being managed and submitted to the Council by the WGs in the first quarter of the year 
  • To bring together all stakeholders in order to reveal and solve existing problems of the sector.

Working groups establish long-term and short-term work programs in compliance with major issues:

  • To organize discussions with the RA agencies, local municipalities, private interested organizations and prepares proposals
  • To cooperate with each other
  • To submit proposals for consideration by the Council
  • To summon stakeholders and experts to participate in the meetings, if necessary        

Working groups can apply to Secretariat of the Council to solve the facing problems: to get the necessary information from the state and local government agencies of the Republic of Armenia, including technical documentation, depersonalized bases, contracts, guidance documents. The Secretariat of the Council informs the heads of the WGs about the provided information and ensures their maintenance and coordination.

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