Current News

ARC Semiconductor Lab Project Manager



We are looking for a Project Manager for the Semiconductor Lab within the “Advanced Research Center”' (ARC) project.


Interested candidates should submit their CVs, a cover letter detailing their relevant experience, and references to [email protected] by September 25, 2024 (including). 

Call for International Experts to Join the EIF Science Incubator

The EIF Science Incubator was established in 2022, at the initiative of the "Enterprise Incubator" Foundation with the support of PMI Science R&D Center Armenia, to be the crucial node in the chain of versatile programs to develop the scientific ecosystem in Armenia.

The main mission of the EIF Science Incubator is to ensure effective bilateral cooperation between the industrial and scientific communities through the exchange of research and knowledge and by directing and facilitating the process of science commercialization.

To achieve this mission, we are inviting International experts in the following applied research fields to join our distinguished group of global experts.




Digital entrepreneurs from Armenia! – Apply now for international award!
Get the WSA quality sear of the world’s best in digital innovation for the UN SDGs


World Summit Awards (WSA) is opening its call for applications on April 1st, 2021!


WSA is a nomination-based award system with a focus on digital innovation with social, local impact and the aim to contribute to the UN SDG’s. 


Submissions for WSA 2021 can contain all mobile and web-based applications, such as: apps, webpages, applications for wearable’s, kiosk installations, SMS based products, platforms and data initiatives. There is no limitation regarding the platforms or technology the projects work with.


To take part in the WSA contest you have to be nominated by the national expert. 

EIF is responsible for the selection and nomination.

There is no open registration.


If you are interested in taking part in the WSA contest, please follow to the link to proceed with your application.


The deadline for submission of applications for national selection is September 26, 2021.



If you have any questions, you can get in contact with your national expert

(in Armenia - Enterprise Incubator Foundation):

by sending an email to  [email protected] 

or calling +(374 11) 21 97 97.



For more information please take a look at WSA files below:



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